Mooncake oh mooncake, where have you been???
I love
mooncakes!!! But exam is coming, so I can’t go out to shop for mooncakes =(
I feel like going
back to my lovely home just to eat mooncakes!!!
Usually my family
will buy a few boxes, plus some, given by others. So usually we will end up
eating about 10boxes of mooncakes! A lot right? Yea.. I know. Haha … And the
fun part of eating mooncakes together is that we (children) are always fighting
for the bigger pieces =) Parents always end up having the smaller ones or those
with bites everywhere or egg yolk mooncake without the yolk. LOL… This is how
evil, we kids of the house are. Buahahaha….
But now… I’m here,
staying in hostel… without family… and NO MOONCAKE!!! Miss those days fighting with
my brothers for mooncakes…
I’ve been longing
for mooncake since the beginning of this month, with the hope of mooncake to
just “BABOOM”, appear on my desk.
Yesterday, when I was sleeping, I smelt
something so familiar, so I woke up to see what was that.
My roommate was enjoying eating her mooncake!!! Without hesitation, “can I have a piece of mooncake?” This show how
desperate I was.LOL…
First bite : Owh gawd… It’s mooncake!!!
Second bite : I still can’t believe I’m eating this…
Third bite : Oh gawd. This is so sweet… but nvm...
I don’t really fancy of too sweet mooncakes. The one I love most was mooncake from Dragon-I, I guess…
You want??? I'm not sharing with you =P Blek...
My room mate bought this from Lavender...